Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Island Player

So I was contacted last week by Tusi Sa'au to see if I'd be interested in letting his boy use a design I had done for Polyday 2006. I'll admit, I had a fair amount of skepticism until I saw this guy's stuff on their website and their myspace. There's some pretty amazing stuff he's got there and from the looks of it, he's only looking to expand a rapidly growing base of customers beyond the borders of California. This line, as I see it, is a nice blend of Pacific Island inspired designs with an urban edge which would grant it a larger market.
As you can see, my island girl design was printed and from what Sea (owner of Island Player) has told me, its gotten good reviews and has been selling well. Needless to say, I'm ready to do more hahaha. Although I'm not sure how well I might do with this venture, it's a foot in the door which many of us work hard to get. Yup, look out for Island Player for some fresh designs in the near future...cheeeehuuuuu!!!


Will said...

right on bro! whats this guys website? i wanna check out what they got...

TOKA TOCA said...

you can go to their website but I think they have a larger selection on their myspace


fantastic said...

good thing will asked first..i was about to ask!

but i think that since you did the artistry, the correct word would be Ta'

TOKA TOCA said...

hahaha tru that! I think he wanted to see how well it would do before printing it in different languages