Wednesday, July 16, 2008

and the winner is...

Is Canseco kidding? What happened to his Black Belt in whatever it is he has? Hahaha...That fool shoulda been bobbin' and weavin'. Look at him! lmao...And then all the Tongans rushed the ring without shirts on...cos none of us own any shirts even in America...except for Sikahema lol...Malie Vai!!! Malo e tuki malohi!!! Ha'u a mu'a ko e Mr. Canseco 'o tangutu ki lalo moe fakama hahaaaa


Will said...

i taught him well...

Sione said...

Haha, that was hilarious! Man, I loved that bottom interview. I had sent that one to a bunch of people...

fightnhippo said...

freakin conseco...